Friday, February 1, 2013

"30 Days of Paintings" - So what have I learned?

"30 Days of Paintings"

So what have I learned during this "30 Paintings in 30 Days" challenge? For starters, I didn't think I'd have enough ideas to fill up an entire month! But even now that the challenge is over, my head is spinning with thoughts of what to paint next.

It's true what they say: "Every day you don't practice, you're one day further from being good." I wish I remembered where I got this quote because it's an excellent one, but it's become my mantra this past month. I look at my earlier paintings from the beginning of the month and compare them with my newer ones, and am amazed at the improvements I've made already (in just a MONTH!!). From brush technique, to composition, to color mixing… it's baffling how much a person can learn just by painting one small painting a day.

I've already thanked Leslie Saeta profusely for creating this challenge, and the letters she's received from other artists have made it into the latest Artists Helping Artists podcast (including mine!).

And although I'm really loving this small, square format, I'm looking forward to working on some of my other larger pieces that are already in the works! I hope you'll continue to follow me here on my Blog, or on my Facebook Page. I'm also a new member of, and I hope that you'll come visit me there too!


Unknown said...

such great work, I really admire how you stuck to it and did something different each day. I hope to try this myself sometime this year!

Unknown said...

SOOOO proud of you girly!!! GREAT job in keeping with the challenge! Your progress is truly amazing! Keep up the wonderful paintings and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!!!


ria said...

gorgeous work Lynn! Your colors are wonderful.

Lynn Cyr said...

Thank you all so much! It's so rewarding to see them all together like this... you've all been so encouraging, and that's honestly what's kept me going most of the way! ;)

Sandy Sandy Art said...

I enjoyed seeing your work during the 30/30 ! Now I'm a follower so I can keep tabs on you!

Lynn Cyr said...

Thank you Sandy!

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